
Friday, September 18, 2015

ten reasons why i hate this class

1. this class pulls my bad memories out of the dark corners i've shoved them into.

2. i can't be the quiet girl in the back, i have to be the real me.

3. i have to start reading more.

4. every blog is higher than the next, and i feel like mine is at the bottom of the totem pole.

5. i have to spend days writing and deleting just to get a half decent post.

6. i think so much that my brain is fried for my other homework.

7. i can no longer listen to a song with out finding something i want to add that to my quote page.

8. i spent way too much money on supplies to make my journal look cool.

9. my heart beats faster than a space launch when nelson starts asking people to share. (don't get any ideas nelson)

10. it's pushing me outside of my comfort zone. big time.

i may hate this class but that doesn't mean it won't be good for me.